Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The basics of Advertising: Revisiting Billboard

By: Mohit Chauhan

Advertising is a potent tool to interact, introduce and educate people, through selected mediums, about any service, product or 'brand' itself. The definition of advertising is modified every now and then but in the last two decades, it has found a new meaning in the newfangled platforms, namely 'Mobile' and 'Internet'.

Today’s media landscape keeps getting more diverse—it’s broadcast, cable and streaming; it’s online, tablet and smart phone; it’s video, rich media, social media, branded content, banners, apps, in-app advertising and interactive technology products like It’s even physical interactive gear, like Nike+ Fuelband. And the ambitious smart watches would be a new league and an entirely new platform in Future. All this has tossed a quandary and there's no consensus on the basic definition of advertising.

While all of this is fueling up the market, there is something more conventional that has rather redefined itself as a contemporary phenomenon. We better know it as 'Billboard!'

This blog constitutes some of the best billboards ever created.

This was an exemplary promotional billboard that marked the launch of an epic Hollywood movie, named the 'Dark Knight Rises.' The billboard captured the mood and the spirits high of the audience. 

It was perfectly timed with a bold and crisp creative.

An ingenious piece of art wrapped with a crisp tag line is a recipe for ever lasting brand image. 

You should know the positioning of your ad.
Your target audience will dictate where you decide to place your billboard. By learning where your target audience lives, works and plays, you can find the ideal spot for your ad where it will receive the most exposure.

Utilizing billboard advertising can be an effective tool when marketing your company’s brand, service or products. Once you have strategically chosen the type of billboard, created the design and message, and found the ideal placement, your billboard advertisements can be a vital part of your overall marketing campaign.

Reach your audience, acquire new customers and make yourself known in areas where your target audience is waiting to be found.