Sunday, 25 May 2014

Mobile Advertising is the future

With the growth of social media, more and more people are catching up with social networking and other internet applications and softwares, in order to communicate and connect. Advertising agencies, in order to catch the consumer's attention, use mobile advertising, taking advertising to a different dimension. Mobile advertising continues to expand faster than expected, with advertisers giving engaging marketing experience.

Customers relate mobile advertising to online or internet advertising, which include Mobile Web Banner, Mobile Web Poster or pop-ups. Facebook, Google, Whatsapp, Instagram and WeChat are accounted for a successful hike in use of Mobile-Web advertising, figures increasing manifolds. Mainly, Mobile Advertising is mainly dominated by SMS advertising, which covers over 85% of the generated revenue. And MMS advertising; existing in the form of mobile games, mobile videos, mobile applications etc.

 Users operate their smartphones and tablets throughout the day, due to which marketers have engaged the customers on their mobile devices, to serve the purpose of advertising. Mobile advertising provides effective way to reach the target audience, as accessibility has become easier with the availability of mobile as a medium. Mobile advertising is cheaper as compared to other forms of advertising and have time relevance, thereby, maintaining credibility as there is no delay when notifying about certain events and schemes.

Mobile advertising has become more effective and is increasingly becoming a daily activity to many people. Brands and business sectors have changed the platform of mobile advertising and are using viral marketing methods, creating a sense of intimacy and friendliness with their customers. Being a successful and a popular marketing tool; mobile advertising e-marketers are broadening the mobile advertising spectrum and investing in mobile advertising for higher returns. Mobile advertising is being considered the prodigy of digital advertising, estimating its reach to 1 billion devices.

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